(631) 765-3737
PO Box 640 Kings Park, New York 11754

NSFDA 2023 Elections March 14, 2023

Article VI – The Executive Board of Directors

Section 7.

A.  Election of Directors. At each Annual Meeting there shall be an election of eight (8) Directors,  four from each County to hold office for one year and also for any additional directors to fill  vacancies on the Board.

      1. There will be no nominations from the floor.
      2. If the Slate of Candidates for Directors of the Association is unopposed, the Secretary of the Association may cast one vote on behalf of the Association.


Article VIII – Standing and Special Committees

Section 7.

The Nominating Committee shall submit to the membership in writing, a slate of candidates for Directors of the Association, forty-five days prior to the Annual Meeting. Any six voting members of the Association may present a nominating petition for position as Director to the Association no later than thirty days prior to the Annual Meeting. The petition must be presented to the President.


Joseph Bernaudo
Michael Cecere, Jr.
Melissa Schmidt
Curtis Schmitt


Fred Bryant
Fichard D’Andrea
Linda Florenzie
Sean Ward